So back in September, Joanne and I went on a whirlwind tour of Washington D.C. One of the many things we saw in a 24 hour period was the White House. And although I can't zoom in enough in a picture on the blog, we could definitely zoom in when we were there in person... and Michelle Obama was enjoying an evening on the balcony! You could see her and could see that she was wearing a yellow sweater.
Now, even though I'm not an Obama supporter, I do still respect the office of the POTUS. And it was just kinda cool to see the First Lady up there. Definitely didn't happen on any of my previous visits...
So for the Saturday Surprise, I thought I'd share our White House Surprise!
NaBloWriMo: Day 14
That's pretty neat. We live in NoVA for 1 1/2 years back in '04-'05 and enjoyed every visit to the district. On at least on occasion driving past the WH, Marine One was landing. Kind of a cool thought. We were there for GWB's 2nd innauguration and attended the innaugural parade with our then 3 year old daughter. And I happened to be in downtown for former President Reagan's funeral procession through the city. All were experiences I'll never forget.