Saturday, January 2, 2010


Yeah, I've been away from this blog for awhile... I got through *most* of November posting everyday, but fell off at the end. Once the holiday season got rolling, my free time went into the negative digits. Between lots of trips for work, working at Taste of Texas and trying to get the house ready to host the family Christmas celebration, I was a tad bit busy...

A few days ago, my friend Ryan posted his end of the year blog post and challenged people to sum up their year in one word. The word that continually comes back to me is 'wasted'. Now, that seems like an extremely negative word, and I don't think the year was a complete waste, I just feel like I wasted a lot of time pursuing things that just won't have a lasting impact. There were some great times, I have some great memories, but I didn't achieve some really big goals that I wish I had.

Which leads me to 2010...

Another person I work with told me that she labels her years, and after thinking about it, it seems like a really good idea. That way your year has an overarching seam that can push you to achieve your goals throughout the year. Therefore, for me, 2010 will be the Year of Action - in the sense that I'm going to be putting all of the promises that I've been giving a lot of lip service to into action so that I will ultimately SEE RESULTS.

Back in 2006 I really made some goals to get my life in order in 4 areas of my life - physical, emotional, financial and spiritual. After all that happened in March of that year, it was all I could do to simply get THROUGH the year and figure out life again. And those goals have been on the backburner in the time that's passed. But it's once again time to tackle them!

I still have some defining to do regarding each of the areas, but for now, I do have a few things to start with...

1. NEW DAILY SCHEDULE - There is a schedule that would work SO WELL if I would just follow the dang thing! Starting the day with a workout, getting to work early, therefore leaving earlier, avoiding most traffic and getting stuff DONE after work. This will begin directly after Steamboat.

2. No fried food. This includes chips, fries, etc, etc, etc. Fast food will be limited to grilled items and Subway type stuff.

3. No processed/store bought sweets. I'll eat some sweets that I bake or others make, but I'm giving up all of the other junk.

4. Create a budget and stick to it. This means doing less stuff. And THAT'S OK. I need to free up some time in my life anyways. These two go hand in hand...

5. Daily time in the word. There is a GREAT Iphone app that gives you a daily reading plan through the bible. So I can read through the bible in a year with the help of my phone. This is actually really exciting to me!

There are some other things coming up that I know will spur my spiritual life and affect some of my internal emotional battles including a weekend with Beth Moore in January (she had a blog challenge in 2009 to memorize 24 verses throughout the year - I participated in the challenge and therefore I get to attend this weekend!), Beth Moore's new book regarding insecurity in women and her spring bible study in which she's re-doing her study of David, A Heart Like His. I'm really looking forward to all of these - I admire Beth so much and enjoy her teaching of the word and life lessons.

Anyways - these are just a few things to get started... I'm sure I'll add on more later. But you've got to start somewhere, right?

I'm headed to Steamboat tomorrow... and I'm leaving my computer at home. Completely plugging onto nature, skiing, friends and music. Awesome way to start the year!

May you all be blessed and have a great year as well! 2010 has nothing but potential at this point! I'm hoping for great, great things!

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